Ethical commitments

Last updated on May 17, 2021

As a professional training provider, registered with the Prefect of the Île-de-France region under number 11 92 2126 89, Next Level Formation undertakes, with respect to its clients, financing partners, beneficiaries, and all stakeholders interested in a training program delivered by it, to respect the following rules and to ensure that its subcontractors respect them:

1. All quality criteria and indicators defined by decrees 2019-564 and 2019-565 of June 6, 2019.

2. All of the professional ethics rules applicable to the persons in charge of delivering or accompanying the training sessions, salaried persons or in a subcontracting situation.

3. The respect of confidentiality, neutrality, and respect of the commitments taken, towards the beneficiaries, the principals, the suppliers, and all their staff.

4. The respect of the human being, in the formative missions necessary to the achievement of the objectives having been placed at the disposal of the public before any action of development of competences registered with the article L6313-1 of the Code of work, and in particular:
– « Not to pursue other goals than those related to the actions of development of skills» defined by contract (individual) or agreement (companies and professionals). « In the case of training activities leading to certification », as well as those not leading to certification, « to protect the beneficiaries from associated risks, in particular deception within the meaning of article L. 441-1 of the Consumer Code, as well as the risks of mental manipulation, which constitute the criminal of-fence of fraudulent abuse of a state of ignorance or weakness. To take into account the prejudicial consequences of the implementation of unsuitable acquired skills (in their content or their context of implementation), both for the beneficiary of the training (e.g.: non-conforming safety rules) and for the persons who could be victims of it, in particular for activities that could be part of an illegal practice: of medicine or conducive to situations of psychological manipulation »(In italics, excerpts from the doctrine note of the Commission des certifications professionnelles de France Compétences dated February 28th 2020 concerning the quality of certifying body).
– Never exert or have exerted psychological pressure on the beneficiaries of the actions carried out, to prohibit and prevent during a session, any form of proselytizing or propaganda of any kind, notably religious or political.

5. To respect and ensure respect for the protection of personal data, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, RGPD.

6. To put in place the research of adapted solutions for people with disabilities.

7. To respect and ensure the respect of the professional rules in force, in particular with regard to competing organizations. To prevent in particular any derogatory remarks towards them, any diffusion of confidential information, and any unfair competition or capture of customers.

8. To respect the copyright and reproduction rights of documents that may be used during any session, and to request the required authorizations if they are necessary.

9. To seek an amicable solution in the event of a dispute with a client, a financial partner or a competitor, before requesting the appointment of a mediator.